AFT Local 1360 may, in its sole discretion, provide legal services to members of 6 months standing who are engaged in employment disputes with KCTCS. A member who requests legal services at the Union’s expense must fully complete the Union’s application for such services. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
The Union’s Board of Directors will evaluate each application and make a decision regarding the provision of legal services based on the following factors:
1. The nature of the dispute. Typically, the Union will not provide legal services for claims for workers compensation or unemployment compensation, short suspensions, cases involving off-duty conduct, criminal conduct, or other circumstances unrelated to the workplace, claims by one member against another, or general legal research. The Union is more likely to provide representation if the dispute involves immediate threats to job security, enforcement of tenure rights, demotion, and violations of academic freedom.
If the Union approves provision of legal services, the Union is solely responsible for selection of the attorney and/or law firm providing such services. The Union will be billed directly by counsel and will maintain communications with counsel regarding the progression of the matter.
Legal services may be withdrawn if the applicant does not maintain Union membership, cooperate with counsel, or provide updated contact information as necessary. Legal services will be withdrawn if the applicant rejects the Union-selected attorney and/or law firm.
Drafted by Craig Henry PLC Law Frim, approved by AFT 1360 Board of Directors September 2023